Dutchess CAPI Meetings
Meeting #1: Kick-off
Date: January 18th, 2023
Location: Farm & Home Center, 2715 Route 44, Millbrook, NY 12545
(note, some of the initial meeting was not recorded)
This in-person Kick-off meeting covered the basics of a government operations greenhouse gas inventory and government operations climate action plan, as well as an overview of the CAPI process, timeline, and benefits. It was an opportunity to meet the other cohort participants and engage with and ask questions to your CAPI leaders. Project management and match tracking were covered.
- CAPI Overview Presentation, Mary Lambert, CAPI Coordinator
- Greenhouse Gas Inventory Overview, Kale Roberts, ICLEI Sr. Program Manager
Homework for next meeting
- Finalize team and roles (see cohort capabilities guide above)
- Decide who will be your Team’s key data resource(s)
- Review (electricity and natural gas) data in Sharepoint
- Track your time in your time tracker in Sharepoint
- Meet with your team prior to next cohort meeting
- Watch ICLEI video on ClearPath Tool (2 minutes)
Additional homework for data resource(s)
- Reach out to Kale (cc Mary) for ICLEI ClearPath access
- Familiarize yourself with ClearPath tool and data request templates (see below)
- Follow up on remaining electricity and natural gas data
- Begin to customize and issue data requests by sectors (see below)
- Video: City-University Collaborations on Sustainability and Climate
- Video: Governance Structures for Effective Climate Action [Global Covenant of Mayors]
Meeting #2: Data Gathering
Date: Wednesday, February 15th, 10 am - 12 pm
Location: Virtual
This meeting covered Government Operations Greenhouse Gas Inventories (GOGHGI) including GHG gases, emissions factors, emission scopes, global warming potentials, and data sectors. The main focus was the data gathering process by sector, including a more detailed review of how to collect data for each sector and the sample data request templates. Climate Smart Communities (CSC) requirements and outreach and engagement planning were also covered.
- CAPI Second Cohort Presentation, Mary Lambert, CAPI Coordinator
- Government Operations GHG Inventories Data Collection, Kale Roberts, ICLEI Sr. Program Manager
- Key Data Resources:
- Dutchess County: Kelsey West, Devin Rigolino, Jen Cocozza
- City of Beacon: Faye Leone, Ben Swanson, Eleanor Peck
- City of Poughkeepsie: Joe Donat, Richard Distel, Tyler Maegerle
- Town of Amenia: Stacy Mantel, Vicki Doyle (+interns)
- Town of Poughkeepsie: Susan Karnes Hecht, Kristen Taylor
- Town of Pleasant Valley: Sandra Larkin, Debby Glynn, Meta Plotnik, Kay Saderholm, Mary Albrecht (+interns)
- Town of Rhinebeck: Elizabeth Spinzia, Jamie MacDonald, Emma Kaminski
- Village of Rhinebeck: Mayor Bassett, Vanessa Bertozzi, Michael Forlenza
- Village of Wappingers Falls: Lori Jiava, Tom Morris (+interns)
Homework for 3rd meeting: Wednesday, March 15th 10 am - 12 pm (virtual)
- Help data resource identify key contacts for emissions data requests.
- Review the shared resources on the CAPI web site, including ICLEI’s GHG inventory report template.
- Research and review other reports and the CSC portal.
- Document and publicize the project.
Additional homework for data resource(s)
- Identify key contacts who will provide emissions data.
- Customize and send out remaining data request templates.
- Ensure all accounts are included with the electricity and natural gas data (from Central Hudson or NYSEG).
- Familiarize yourself with the Excel Data Workbook and input data into Workbook as it is received.
Meeting #3: Making Sense of Data
Date: Wednesday, March 15th, 10 am - 12 pm
Location: Virtual
This meeting covered a sector-by-sector deep dive into ICLEI's excel workbook and a synopsis of data related questions and answers that have come up to date. Also covered: an overview of climate communications, i.e. effective ways to package and communicate climate-related data for broader audiences. Lastly, the municipalities shared experiences, challenges, and lessons learned in small group cohort breakout rooms.
- Data Collection and Communication Presentation, Kale Roberts, ICLEI Sr. Program Manager
- Data Questions and Answers Presentation, Mary Lambert, CAPI Coordinator
Homework for data resources:
- Customize and send out remaining data request templates.
- Input data into the Excel Data Workbook as it is received
- Cross-check accounts with bills/invoices to ensure all accounts are included in the electricity and natural gas data from Central Hudson (or NYSEG).
- Identify the buildings, facilities, and/or department associated with each utility account, and begin to consolidate/group data as desired.
Homework for communications and research resources:
- Research and review data visualization examples in recommended resources, or in other GHG inventory reports.
- Brainstorm GHG inventory report communications goals and desired outcomes.
- Begin to populate the GHG inventory report template with high level information.
- Continue to document and publicize this project.
Meeting #4: ClearPath Deep Dive
Date: Wednesday, April19th, 10 am - 12 pm
Location: Virtual
This meeting began with a presentation by the Town of North East and Village of Millerton on their Government Operations Greenhouse Gas Inventories and how they informed their joint Government Operations Climate Action Plan. Then Kale Roberts from ICLEI led a deep dive into ICLEI's Clear Path tool, directed at the key data resources. The municipalities then discussed how their inventories were progressing, and shared experiences, challenges, and lessons learned in small group breakout rooms. The session finished up with a review of recent questions and answers that have come up in Office Hours.
- Data Questions and Answers Presentation, Mary Lambert, CAPI Coordinator
- Presentation from the Town of North East: How the Government Operations Greenhouse Gas Inventory helped inform their Climate Action Plan, Kathy Chow and Andrew Stayman, Town of North East
Homework for data resources:
- Customize and send out all remaining data request templates (for propane, gas and diesel, wastewater, etc.).
- Input data into Excel Workbook, and then into ClearPath. (Or directly into ClearPath if you prefer.)
- Check-in with ICLEI/HVRC on progress or roadblocks
Homework for communications and research resources:
- Download and begin to fill out overview sections of the GHG Inventory Report Template
- Help your data resource(s) as needed
- Track your time (or your Team's time) in your time tracker in Sharepoint.
Meeting #5: GHG Inventory Report Deep Dive
Date: Wednesday, May 17th, 10 am - 12 pm
Location: Virtual
This meeting covered tips and guidance for ICLEI's government operations GHG inventory (GOGHGI) report template, as well as a review of example GOGHGIs from neighboring municipalities. The municipalities discussed progress in breakout rooms and frequently asked questions and answers from office hours were shared.
Homework for data resources:
- Upload all remaining data into ClearPath.
- Document assumptions and methods as needed.
- Notify CAPI support team for data quality check.
- Identify key findings and copy & paste relevant graphs into inventory template.
Homework for communications and research resources:
- Coordinate with data leads to generate graphs + copy and paste findings from ClearPath into report.
- Edit report draft language, add new sections, including background, relevant work, findings and recommendations.
- When complete, notify CAPI support team for review.
Due Date for completed DRAFT Inventory Report: June 21st
Meeting #6: Forecasting and Inventory Report Presentations - Part 1
Date: Wednesday, June 21st, 10 am - 12 pm
Location: Virtual
Municipalities who had competed their inventories in ClearPath shared results at this meeting. Michelle Gluck from Ulster County also presented on Ulster County's Government Operations GHG inventory and Climate Action Plan. Forecasting in ICLEI's ClearPath tool was also covered in this meeting.
- Next Steps: Forecasting, Target-Setting and Stakeholder Engagement in Climate Planning, Kale Robert, ICLEI
- Ulster County GOGHGI Presentation, Michelle Gluck, Ulster County
- Town of Wappingers Falls GOGHGI Presentation, Tom Morris, Town of Wappingers Falls
- FAQ and Next Steps, Mary Lambert
Municipalities who have competed their reports will be sharing results from their inventories at the 7/19 meeting.
Meeting #7: Action Prioritization and Inventory Report Presentations - Part 2
Date: Wednesday, July 19th, 10 am - 12 pm
Location: Farm & Home Center, 2715 Route 44, Millbrook, NY. Link to MAP.
Municipal emissions inventory presentations from the Town of Pleasant Valley, the Town of Amenia, and the City of Poughkeepsie. Cohort participants engaged in a high impact action brainstorming and prioritization exercise.
- Prioritizing High Impact Actions, Kale Roberts, ICLEI
- Inventory report presentation from The Town of Pleasant Valley, Sandra Larkin
- Inventory report presentation from The Town of Amenia, Hannah Kirshbaum
- Inventory report presentation from The City of Poughkeepsie, Tyler Maegerle
- Finish Inventory and Inventory Report
Meeting #8: Emissions Target setting in ClearPath and Inventory Report Presentations - Part 3
Date: Wednesday, August 16th, 10 am - 12 pm
Location: Virtual
Municipal emissions inventories were presented by the Town of Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, and the City of Beacon. Caroline from ICLEI presented on the ClearPath emissions forecasting wizard to forecast a Business as Usual (BAU) forecast. Mary went over the Outreach and Engagement Planning doc and reviewed frequently asked questions.
- FAQ presentation, Mary Lambert
- Public Engagement and Outreach Plan w/comments, Mary Lambert
- Finish Inventory Report
- Complete the Business-as-Usual Forecast in ClearPath.
- Complete Public Outreach and Engagement Plan.
- Schedule (or meet) with Village Board or Town Council to present inventory results (and report) and to inform them on the CAP.
- Begin to draft a list of recommended high impact actions or initiatives by sector for your Climate Action Plan
Meeting #9: GOCAP Goals, Objectives and Strategies
Government Operations Climate Action Plan goals, objectives and high impact strategies were covered, as well as some useful Climate Action Plan resources, especially the GOCAP Strategies Workbook. Click here for more detail.
Date: Wednesday, September 20th, 10 am - 12 pm
Location: Virtual
- GOCAP Resources presentation, Mary Lambert
- Review resources discussed in today's meeting
- ClearPath forecasts
- CAP Strategies Workbook
- Outreach and Engagement Plan
- Stakeholder Meetings Guide
- ICLEI's Climate Action Plan Template
- Meet internally and draft list of recommended strategies / high impact actions by sector for your Climate Action Plan. (Note - this will come out of the work you did either in ClearPath forecasts and/or the CAP Strategies Workbook.
- Create a draft presentation to key stakeholders based on inventory results and recommended strategies and KPIs.
- Start scheduling and meeting with key stakeholders.
Meeting #10: Prioritizing Strategies and Engaging Stakeholders
Date: Wednesday, October 18th, 10 am - 12 pm
Location: Virtual
Caroline reviewed how to model reduction measures in ClearPath. Cohort participants then engaged in a high impact action prioritization exercise using Google jamboards. The small group discussions focused on factors for consideration in prioritizing strategies, including co-benefits such as cost, resource security, job creation, public health, and impact on frontline communities. We then continued our discussion on stakeholder engagement, including lessons learned and best practices. Click here for more detail.
For group Jamboards, and other cohort deliverables to date, see HERE.
- Complete ClearPath Business-as-Usual (BAU) forecast and reduction measure modeling.
2.CAP Strategies
- Individualize CAP Strategies Workbook
- Recommend / prioritize CAP strategies
- Determine KPIs, co-benefits and lead actors for strategies
3.Stakeholder meetings
- Review Stakeholder Meetings Guide
- Determine key stakeholders based on prioritized strategies
- Schedule and meet with key stakeholders
4.Climate Action Plan
- Review ICLEI's Climate Action Plan Template
Meeting #11: Stakeholder Engagement and Reduction Measure Modeling
Date: Wednesday, November 15th, 10 am - 12 pm
Location: Farm & Home Center, 2715 Route 44, Millbrook, NY. Link to MAP.
- Forecasting Government Operations Emissions and Strategizing Reductions, Vanessa Bertozzi
- Climate Communications: Elevating your Community's Story, Kale Roberts
The Village of Rhinebeck presented on reduction measure modeling in ClearPath. Cohort participants engaged in a stakeholder engagement exercise. Kale discussed climate communications in greater depth.
- Finish ClearPath Business-as-Usual (BAU) forecast and reduction measure modeling.
- Finalize prioritized CAP strategies list
- Meet with key stakeholders
- Complete DRAFT Climate Action Plan
Next meeting: January 17th, virtual
Meeting #12: Stakeholder Engagement and Reduction Measure Modeling
Date: Wednesday, January 17th, 10 am - 12 pm
Location: Virtual
- Presentation from Village of Bronxville, Carole Upshur
- Climate Action Plan Template Guidance, Mary Lambert
Guest presenter Carole Upshur spoke about the Village of Bronxville's Government Operations Climate Action Plan, including inventory findings, recommended actions, and lessons learned. Continued guidance was provided by Caroline on reduction measure modelling in ClearPath, including the PV Watts Tool for modeling solar in the Solar Photovoltaic Calculator. The group broke out into their mini cohort groups to discuss challenges and support moving forward. Lastly, Mary discussed three sections of the CAP template in particular: the vision statement, implementation planning, and monitoring.
Next meeting: March 20th, 10-12 pm (virtual)
Meeting #13: GOCAP Presentations
Date: Wednesday, March 20th, 10 am - 12 pm
Location: Virtual
The results of the government operations climate action plans (GOCAPs) were presented by the Village of Rhinebeck, The Town of Rhinebeck, and the Village of Wappingers Falls. The cohort broke out into their mini support groups of 3 municipalities to discuss challenges and lessons learned. Mary gave an update on available resources, timing, tips, and potential funding through the EPA's Climate Pollution Reduction Grant program.
- GOCAP Resources, Tips, and Updates on Potential Funding, Mary Lambert
- GOCAP Presentation from Village of Rhinebeck, Vanessa Bertozzi
- GOCAP Presentation from Town of Rhinebeck, Emma Kaminsky
- GOCAP Presentation from Town of Wappingers Falls Tom Morris
- Finalize draft GOCAP and send to Mary and Caroline for review.
Next meeting: April 15th, 10-12 pm (virtual)
Meeting #14: GOCAP Presentations
Date: Wednesday, April 17th, 10 am - 12 pm
Location: Virtual
Passcode: Np^=9rA@
In this meeting, the Town of Pleasant Valley and the City of Poughkeepsie presented their GOCAPs. Caroline (ICLEI) discussed challenges and recommendations on effectively implementing a climate action plan. Lastly, cohort participants discussed challenges and lessons learned to date in mini-cohort breakout rooms.
- Town of Pleasant Valley GOCAP Presentation, Sandra Larkin
- Looking Beyond the Cohort: What's Next?, Caroline Dickey
- Finalize draft GOCAP and send to Mary and Caroline for review.
Final Meeting #15: GOCAP Presentations and Cohort Celebration
Date: May 15th, 10-12 pm
Location: Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County (2715 Rte 44, Millbrook, NY
In this final in-person meeting, Devin, Carla and Kale discussed the cohort learnings and accomplishments. The Town of Amenia, Town of Poughkeepsie, City of Beacon, and Dutchess County all presented on their GOCAP. Lastly, cohort participants filled out feedback surveys on the CAPI program, and Mary recognized individuals and the cohort municipalities for their unique achievements and contributions. For more detail or additional assistance, please reach out to Mary. THANK you!
- Cohort Accomplishments, Mary and Carla
- Town of Amenia, Michael Peek
- Town of Poughkeepsie, Kristen Taylor
- City of Beacon, Faye Leone
- Dutchess County, Devin Rigolino and Kelsey West
Final GOCAPs due June 1
Thank you to the DEC Office of Climate Change, ICLEI, the guest speakers, and all the participants!
All cohort deliverables will be posted to the CAPI Deliverables Web Site.
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Dutchess CAPI is made possible through a generous grant from the NYS DEC Climate Smart Communities Grant Program.