Navigating Large – Scale Solar Development in Your Community

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Clean Energy Communities (CEC) team at HVRC hosted a tour of solar installations located in Orange County. This bus tour visited solar installations in three communities and included learnings around public support, siting, connectivity, and project financing.  The unique challenges encountered and, ultimately, the benefits captured from each of these projects were also discussed in the context of these recently and successfully developed installations.

The tour began with a drive by the solar array at Orange County’s Emergency Management Center and continued on to visits at a 66 kW solar array sited behind a town hall and two larger systems of approximately 2 MW each – one sited on a municipal capped landfill and the other offsetting the electricity usage of an entire school district.

Solar Tour Agenda

Case study of solar installations at Orange County Emergency Services Center and Orange County Community Colleges

Case study of a solar installation at Warwick Valley Central School District

Warwick Valley Central School District – Solar Project:  Balance of Public Interest

Case study of a solar installation at Town of Wawayanda Town Hall

Case study of a solar installation at Town of Wallkill landfill

Information sheet on the EPA’s RE-Powering America’s Land Initiative’s electronic decision tree for siting renewable energy on potentially contaminated land and landfills

Sample solar photovoltaic screening assessment for properly closed municipal solid waste landfill

Sample local law creating a moratorium of opening, siting, maintenance, and operation of commercial solar uses

Speakers and contact information

Resource list