Regional Advocacy

The Hudson Valley Regional Council provides regional platforms for our counties to address issues that impact the entire region. We host a very active Materials Management Working Group that has participants from all seven counties. They study issues involving solid waste, including recycling, recycling education, hazardous waste, and composting and diversion of food and organic waste. They share resources as well as issues and opportunities. Representatives of NYSDEC’s Division of Solid Waste in Region 3 often attend and participate in these sessions. This group is unique in New York State and we are proud to host and facilitate their work.

In 2014 Governor Cuomo initiated the development of state-wide sustainability plans under the guidance of NYSERDA. The Mid-Hudson Regional Sustainability Plan was developed with hundreds of volunteers from our seven counties using their areas of expertise to develop goals and objectives to meet New York State’s goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  One of the outgrowths of that report has been the Mid-Hudson Regional Sustainability Coalition, which has been meeting for the past five years to discuss, study, and advocate for the goals of the original plan. This group is unique in New York State, and we are proud to support and facilitate this work into the future.