Water Resource Laws, Policies and Watershed Protection (2015)

Through a grant provided by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation, the Hudson Valley Regional Council worked with project partners including the Hudson River Watershed Alliance; Simon Gruber, and George Rodenhausen, Esq to produce educational resources designed to assist local planners, planning boards, conservation advisory councils, watershed groups and any other stakeholders interested in water resource management gain a basic understanding of the regulatory and non-regulatory options available to protect drinking water sources and watersheds. This manual was designed with the intent on addressing questions raised by stakeholders in the Moodna Creek and Quassaick Creek watersheds.

Resources produced as part of this project include:

Two workshops were held in the spring of 2015 on Water Resources Laws, Policies and Local Options for Watershed Protection.

The presentations made at these workshops are available below.

 “This Project has been funded in part by a grant from the New York State Environmental Protection Fund through the New York Department of Environmental Conservation.”